U-Mail Migration
Frequently Asked Questions about U-Mail Migration
- How are settings in the account transferred?
- How can I get more information on using Google U-Mail?
- How can I organize incoming emails?
- How do I forward my Gmail account to my personal Gmail/email account?
- How do I login into Google U-Mail?
- How do you prevent duplicate emails from merging into previously installed Connect accounts?
- I sent a request to helpdesk and did not get a reply?
- If I already have an issued G Suite Connect account, will I get another G Suite account?
- If I graduated already, will I be given a Connect account to use?
- Students who already have Connect/G Suite accounts
- What does opting out mean? Can I keep my U-Mail account if I opt out of the migration?
- What should I do if my account has been phished or hacked?
- What will happen on my migration date?
- What will happen to my account data/storage space in Onenote or O365 after the migration?
- What will happen to my U-Mail forwarding address after the migration?
- Who owns the data that UCSB users store in connect?
- Why is it impossible to get spam control?
- Will students have both Umail and Gmail accounts?