Surveys allow instructors to solicit feedback from students. A survey can be used to conduct a mid-term informal evaluation of your class, offer a suggestion box, or conduct an assessment of student needs or interests. This page walks you through how to use Canvas to:
- Create a Survey (using Canvas Classic Quizzes)
- Review Survey Results
1. Log in to Canvas, enter your course site and click Quizzes from the course navigation menu:
2. Click +Quiz in the top right corner.
3. Select Classic Quizzes. Then, click Submit.
4. Add a Quiz Title (for example, "Mid-quarter survey") and any optional instructions.
5. For Quiz Type, select either:
- Graded Survey - Students receive full points for completing the survey (score is not based on how they answer the questions but rather if they complete it)
- Ungraded Survey - Students do not receive a grade for the survey
6. Select other Quiz Options as needed (such as time limit, keeping submissions anonymous, allowing students to submit multiple attempts, and availability).
7. To add Quiz Questions, scroll to the top of the page and click the Questions tab. Add Quiz Questions by clicking:
- + New Question - Select this option to add a quiz question. More information can be found here: How do I create a quiz with individual questions?
- + New Question Group - Select this option to add a set number of random questions from a larger question pool. More information can be found here: How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?
- Find Questions - Select this option to add questions that already exist in your question bank. More information can be found here: How do I create a quiz by finding questions in the question bank?
8. If your quiz is your final product and you are ready for students to see it, click Save & Publish. If you will need to make changes to the quiz or add additional quiz question in the future, click Save and click the Publish button after the quiz is finalized.
1. From the Quizzes tab of the course navigation menu, click on the Surveys from the list:
2. To view individual student submissions, click ⋮ > Show Student Survey Results:
You will then see the list of students who have and haven't taken the survey. Click on a student who has taken the survey to see their submission.
3. To view all student responses, click Survey Statistics.
Then, click Student Analysis to generate and download a CSV file of student responses.