Gradescope offers a variety of tools to efficiently grade and provide feedback on student work. Gradescope allows students to upload their work for grading as well as the functionality to grade handwritten work that has been scanned.
This article walks through how to:
- Add Gradescope to a Canvas Course
- Link Courses and Sync Roster
- Create and Link Assignments
- Post Gradescope Grades to Canvas
Here's how to add Gradescope to your Canvas course:
1. Log in to Canvas and navigate to your course site.
2. Click Settings in the left-hand navigation. Then, select the Navigation tab.
3. Find Gradescope in the bottom hidden-tab section. Drag-and-drop it to the course navigation area at the top to make it visible to students.
4. Click Save. You will now see Gradescope in the left-hand navigation.
You can link the courses and sync the Canvas roster to Gradescope through these steps here:
1. Log in to Canvas and navigate to your course site.
2. In the left-hand navigation, click Gradescope
3. Gradescope will launch and you will be promoted with a dialog box with course-linking options. Select to link the Canvas course with either A new Gradescope course or with An existing Gradescope Course. Then, click Link Course.
4. The Course Settings page will now appear. Here, you can update the course title, description, rubric types, and score bounds. Note, changing the course title and description changes will only change it in Gradescope, not in Canvas. When you're finished, click Update Course.
5. To sync your Canvas roster to Gradescope, click Roster in the center of the page. Alternatively, expand the left side bar (if it isn't already) and click Roster.
6. Click Sync Canvas Roster in the middle of the page.
7. A dialog box will appear confirming how accounts will be synced from Canvas. By default, Gradescope will email new users to let them know they've been added to the course. If you don't want students to be notified, uncheck "Let new users know that they were added to the course". Click Sync Roster.
Once you have linked your course and synced your roster, you can create Assignments and link them to Canvas. Here's how:
1. Log in to Canvas and navigate to your course site.
2. In the left-hand navigation, click Assignments. Then, click + Assignments.
3. Enter your assignment name and overall point value.
4. For Submission Type, select "External Tool" from the dropdown. Then click Find.
5. Select Gradescope from the list of external tools.
6. A dialog box will open. Select to link the Canvas assignment with either A new Gradescope assignment or with An existing Gradescope Assignment. Then, click Link Assignment.
7. If you're creating a new Gradescope assignment, select the assignment type and settings. See the following Help Center article section for more details: Assignments: Creating, Grading, and Returning. When you're finished, click Create Assignment.
8. This will take you back to the Assignments page in Canvas. In the Submission Type subsection, you should see a pre-filled URL in the URL bar. It is also recommended that you select Load this Tool in a New Tab.
9. Scroll down to the end of the page in Canvas, and click Save and Publish. Your Canvas assignment is now linked with Gradescope. Students will be taken to that assignment in Gradescope when they click the link in Canvas.
10. You can click on the Gradescope assignment at any time to add questions, complete your assignment outline, or create a rubric.
Once students have submitted their assignments and you have finished grading their submissions, you can push grades from Gradescope to Canvas. Here's how:
1. From the Gradescope Grading Dashboard for an Assignment, expand the left side bar (if it isn't already) and click Review Grades.
2. On the bottom of the page, click Post Grades to Canvas.
4. A dialog box will appear confirming how grades will be posted to the Canvas gradebook. Click Post Grades. The student's final score will be posted to your Canvas Gradebook