This article is part of the GauchoCast Editing Series. All sections of the editor window are detailed below with screenshots. Alternatively, you may watch the following video from Panopto: Learn About the Video Editor. For more editing topics, please visit the GauchoCast Editing Overview page.
The GauchoCast Video Editor is comprised of several toolbars and modules, which are listed below. This article will briefly cover the basic functions and user interface of the Video Editor. For more detailed instructions on specific GauchoCast Editing topics, please visit the Editing Help Center page.
- Top Toolbar
- Primary and Secondary Stream Windows
- Interactive Video Settings
- Viewer Controls Toolbar
- Editing Toolbar
- Timeline Window
Top Toolbar
- The Top Toolbar is located at the top of the editor window. It displays the video's title and folder location as well as a series of icons.
- Clicking on the folder name will direct you to the parent folder.
- Clicking on the video's name will allow you to re-name the video.
- Any changes or edits you make will be automatically saved. When this happens, the toolbar will display the last saved timestamp, "Saved at..."
- The "Undo" button will revert a change. The "Redo" button will reapply a change.
- The "Apply" button will save and apply any editing changes you have made. "Viewers" will be able to access the updated video after hitting "Apply."
- The "Revert" button will revert the video to its' original state from when the editing session was opened.
- The "Settings" icon will open the video settings menu. "Statistics" will open the statistics page (discussed in another article). "Exit" will exit the editing session without applying your changes. Your edits, however, are saved for the next time you open the video editor.
Primary and Secondary Stream Windows
- The primary and secondary stream windows are the areas where your audio, video, and presentation material will be displayed for previewing the playback.
- The primary stream is located in the top-left video window. Primary streams usually contain both audio and video combined into one stream. The primary stream is typically the "talking head" or webcam video feed of the presenter.
- Secondary stream content will be located in the top-right video window. Secondary content usually includes things such as: presentation slides, share screen, document camera, and embedded content like quizzes and YouTube links.
Interactive Video Controls and Settings
- The bottom left corner of the editor contains a series of tabs that control various interactive attributes of the video, like the timestamped captions, embedded quizzes, streams, and slide show data.
- Under "Details," you can edit the video's title and add a description to your video.
- In the "Contents" tab, you can view the Table of Contents that includes several timestamped markers that are automatically generated from the presentation slide show metadata. You may add to or edit the Table of Contents section.
- "Captions" will display the text-only transcript of your video, alongside their relative timestamps. By default, all GauchoCast sessions are automatically captioned by Panopto's Automatic Machine Captions. In this tab, you may edit any of the captions by hovering over the text and clicking it. If you need professional quality captions, please refer to this page.
- The "Slides" tab will display your slide deck if you recorded the session on Panopto and selected the "Record PowerPoint/Keynote" option. You may edit existing slides here or add a new slide-show presentation file. For more information, please visit this page.
- Under "Quizzes," you'll be able to add and manage embedded quizzes.
- "Cuts" will display details about any sections that were edited out. If you have not trimmed any sections out, this tab will be blank. Please visit this page for a more detailed breakdown of trimming and cuts.
- "Streams," will list the individual primary and secondary sources. You may delete existing streams here or upload additional or replacement streams.
Make sure to hit "Apply" to save any changes you make to your video. If you don't click "Apply," the edited version will not be accessible to viewers.
Viewer Controls Toolbar
- The viewer controls toolbar in editing mode functions the same as the control bar in regular GauchoCast videos.
- These controls allow you to: play/pause the video, skip 10 seconds backward or forwards, seek through the video's timeline, and adjust the video player's volume, playback speed, and picture quality. Note that the progress bar's "seeker" is tied to the "red line indicator" found in the timeline below.
- Users may also alternate between Screen and Slides view, switch to an alternative secondary stream, or enable captions on the toolbar.
Editing Toolbar
- The editing toolbar sits in between the viewer controls and the stream timeline. It contains several editing tools such as the "Cut" tool, "Add Content" menu, "Thumbnail" image settings, and the "Zoom" slider.
- The "Cut" tool allows you to non-destructively trim out sections of your GauchoCast video by highlighting the areas on the timeline you wish to "cut" out. For more information please visit this page.
- Select the plus icon to open the "Add Content" menu which allows you to insert a new stream, an existing GauchoCast clip, a YouTube video, or a static webpage. For specific topics please visit this page.
- The three little dots will open the "Thumbnail" preview image options. You can choose to select a still frame from either the primary or secondary sources or upload your own custom thumbnail image. For more information please visit this page.
- The "Zoom" slider will zoom into the timeline streams for more precise editing. Simply click and drag the slider control towards the magnifying glass with the plus sign to zoom into the timeline.
- When "Preview cuts during playback" is enabled, your edits will be taken into effect when you click play and preview the video. This option is recommended so you may give yourself an idea of what the final version will look and sound like. Be sure to click the green "Apply" to apply all changes to the official video.
- If there are two or more Secondary sources available, you will be given the "Focus" tool. The focus tool allows you to alternate between two streams by highlighting the specific portions of the video you'd like to bring focus to. Only one stream will play at a time. The same is true for two Primary sources, as well. For more information please visit this page.
- The "Timeline," which is broken up into rows, displays the entire duration of the video. Each row correlates to a recorded stream. You can click throughout different sections of the timeline to navigate through the video. The red line that crosses through all the streams is the editing marker.
- P1 and subsequent P# streams are Primary sources. Audio is always included in the primary stream. The primary source will typically include webcam video and microphone audio.
- S1 and subsequent S# streams are Secondary sources. Audio-only files and video with audio cannot be uploaded as secondary sources. The secondary source will typically include the captured screen share (video of your screen).
- SL contains the timestamped presentation slide deck. These are static screenshots of each slide; animations and transitions are not captured in this stream.