While printing is a straightforward process it still will have errors from time to time. Whatever the reason you're unsatisfied with the GauchoPrint experience it's easy enough to request a refund.
NetID users
If you are a member of UCSB with a netID please either email help@lsit.ucsb.edu or fill out our ticket request form. In your communication please include the following:
- Your name
- Your netID
- The date and time of the attempted print
- How many pages (optional, though very helpful)
- Name of the print job (optional, though very helpful)
Alternately, you may speak with any Collaborate staff members at one of our locations for assistance.
Please be aware that a good faith effort is made to honor all reasonable refund requests. Refunds, however, are provided solely at the discretion of Collaborate Management and may be denied.