Panopto on an i-device works a bit different than on a laptop or other computer.
As an i-device app Panopto is best used for viewing and uploading completed videos in GauchoCast. Panopto will not record your screen activity as it does in the desktop app. Panopto will record video and audio from the device's camera and microphone and the save that video to Photos. Note: At this time, a user is only able to create and/or upload recordings that are no longer than 10 minutes in length.
To save your on-screen actions like the desktop app you should use Apple's Screen Recording. The video will be saved to Photos. You can then use Panopto to upload the video to GauchoCast.
Android user?: How to Record the Screen on your Android Device -PC Mag 6/1/20
How to use the Panopto Mobile App vers 1.1
Note: At this time, a user is only able to create and/or upload recordings that are no longer than 10 minutes in length.
1. Logging In
1.1. After clicking on the App a dialogue box will pop up asking to use to sign-in. Click "Continue". This will bring-up the GauchoCast log-in screen. Select GauchoSpace from the drop-down as the sign-in method and click "sign-in". This will bring up the GauchoSpace log-in screen. Enter your Net-ID and password. Then select "Log-In." (Fig. 1).
Figure 1
1.2 After logging in to GauchoSpace, you will be directed to the Panopto Log-in Page.
Note: Sometimes we end-up with a mini-GauchoSpace webpage at 1.2. You can close that and then log into the Panopto App.
1.3 Enter the UCSB email address used for Panopto (should be same as Net-ID) and press "enter." This should take you to the Apps home page.
1.4 Note: It is recognized that the log-in process is a bit convoluted at this time and we have a ticket in with Panopto to try and streamline it.
2. Navigating the App
2.1. At the bottom of the app, you will see three icons that correspond to the app's three main sections: Home, My Stuff, and Browse.
2.1.a. Home: Once you log in, you will be immediately taken to the app's homepage, referred to as Home (Fig. 2). If you scroll down on this page, you will the see the same sections as you would on your Panopto homepage, such as What's New, and Featured Videos. Note: Featured videos are set up by your organization.
Figure 2
2.1.b. My Stuff: If you select the star icon for My Stuff, new sections will appear (Fig. 3). Sections include: Shared with Me, Recently Watched, Bookmarked, and My Folder. Note: the videos that appear on this tab directly relate to your activity on Panopto.
Shared with Me: Videos that have been shared with you by members of your organization.
Recently Watched: Videos that you have recently watched, including those you may have not finished watching.
Bookmarked: Your bookmarked videos. Note: This section will only appear if you have created bookmarks while viewing.
My Folder: Videos from your personal folder.
Offline Videos: Videos that you've downloaded to watch offline in the app
Figure 3
2.1.c. Browse: Your Panopto folder directory (Fig. 4).
Figure 4
2.2. In Browse, if you select a folder that has subfolders, a drop down menu with appear that allows you select the subfolder you want to open (Fig. 5)
3. Viewing, Searching, and Downloading Videos
3.1. By using keywords in the search bar at the top of the app, Panopto's Smart Search feature will look for specific videos, folders, and content that match the keywords used (Fig. 6). To learn more about how Panopto's video search works, please see Learn About Smart Search.
Figure 6
3.1.b. Folders: After you type in the keyword to search your Panopto, you can select Folders to view all of the folders that include the keyword(s) used (Fig. 8).
3.2. Viewer: Once you've selected the video you want to view, it will appear in the video viewer (Fig. 9a). As a part of the player controls, you can change the speed of the video or turn on captions if available (Fig. 9b). To have a full-screen experience on your device, Panopto recommends holding your device horizontally, as demonstrated in the following screenshots.
Figure 9a
Figure 9b
3.3. By selecting the up arrow at the bottom of the viewer, you can access the video's Table of Contents, Discussion, Notes, and Smart Search sections (Fig. 10).
Figure 10
3.3.a. Table of Contents: By selecting the Table of Contents icon, you can see the slides associated with specific time stamps in the video and select them to start the video from that timestamp (Fig. 11)
3.3.b. Discussions: By selecting the Discussions icon, you can add your own comments or see the other comments made by others with a timestamp at the point in which the comments were made (Fig. 12).
Figure 12
3.3.c. By selecting the Notes icon, you can add your own notes or see the other notes made by others with a timestamp at the point in which the notes were made (Fig. 13).
Figure 13
3.3.d. By selecting the Search icon, you can use keywords to search through the video and its related content to locate points in the video where your keywords were used (Fig. 14). For this example, we used the keyword Profile.
Figure 14
3.3.e. Rate this video: By selecting the three vertical dots in the right hand corner of this menu, a drop down menu will appear, allowing you to rate the video using a five star rating scale (Fig. 15).
Figure 15
3.4. You can also download a video, or access its direct link, by selecting the three vertical dots on the videos preview image (Fig. 16a). Once selected, a pop up menu will appear allowing you to copy the link or download it to your device (Fig. 16b). Please note: depending on sharing settings set forth by the video's Creator or organization's Administrator, videos may not be available for download.
Figure 16a
Figure 16b
4. Recording and Uploading a Video
Note: You will only be able to record and upload videos if you have Creator access to Panopto.
4.1. In the app, select the circle plus + icon from the lower right corner (Fig. 17).
Figure 17
4.2. A pop up menu will appear at the bottom of your screen, select Upload and Record (Fig. 18).
Figure 18
4.3. A new window, Upload and Record, will appear. Select the folder you want to upload or record your video to from the drop down menu at the top, and then select the Choose video or audio files (Fig. 19).
Figure 19
4.4. A pop up window, Choose an action, will appear. If you want to record, select your Camera app icon. If you want to upload a video, select your Files app icon (Fig. 20). Note: this may appear differently, based on the device and operating system used.
Figure 20
4.5. Once you are done recording or have selected the file you want to upload, your video upload will take place and process (Fig. 21a). A green check mark will appear next to the video once the upload is complete (Fig. 21b). If you recorded a new video, you can name it by simply tapping on the device-provided name in this window and typing in the new name (Fig. 21c). Note: It is important that you stay on this screen until your upload(s) are complete.
Figure 21a
Figure 21b
Figure 21c
4.6. Once your upload is complete, your video will appear in its assigned folder (Fig. 22).
Figure 22