Eli Review is a set of tools that help instructors create highly structured assignments and peer review activities. With Eli Review students can practice with hard course concept and/or hard ways of writing. They also practice providing feedback and benefit from receiving feedback from peers. Using Eli Review improves thinking and writing and helps build course community.
Your information should auto-populate into the fields, you can make any necessary changes, then set a password and Security question with an answer.
With your information entered click on the button for "Creat Account + Go to Step 2".
You will then see a page to create your course in ELI Review, the course information should auto-populate but you can make any necessary changes and then click on "Create this new course in Eli Review".
Then click on the link to "Launch Eli Review".
The course in ELI Review will then be linked and students will be prompted to login or make an account when they click on the link. Once logged in or after making their account they will have access to the course in ELI Review.