When uploading your videos to GauchoCast, it is recommended that you place them in your personal ‘My Folder.’ By default, videos placed in your personal folder can only be accessed by you and GauchoCast support staff. You may choose to make edits, such as trimming your videos or changing their titles, and then move them to the relevant course folder. This will allow you to preview your content before making it available to students.
If you are recording online using Panopto, then select your “My Folder” as the folder destination before initiating your recording. When you are finished recording, the video will upload to your personal folder on GauchoCast.
If you recorded offline using Panopto, then you will need to select “My Folder” as the upload destination when you are ready to upload.
If you are uploading a recording (i.e. Zoom) directly to GauchoCast, then select your personal “My folder” as the upload destination.
Once your video is uploaded & processed, you will be able to see it in your personal “My Folder.” Please follow these directions to move your video out of your “My Folder” and into your course folder once it is ready.
If you have any questions, then submit a help ticket by emailing id-help@ucsb.edu.