Login to GauchoCast at https://gauchocast.hosted.panopto.com, using your UCSB Canvas ("Canvas") credentials for authentication.
- Select "Create"
- Select "Upload Media" from the dropdown
- Select the folder you would like to add your file to
- Click Choose video or audio files to locate saved file or, drag the saved file to the popup *note- files should be saved in an .mp4 format to ensure compatibility*
- Choose a saved file from your computer and begin upload
- Wait while the video completes uploading and processing. You may close the upload dialog window when prompted.
- When the video is complete, it will appear in the previously selected folder. To share the uploaded video with your current course, you must first provision your folder from UCSB Canvas, then move the video into that folder.
Still need help? Contact us: help@id.ucsb.edu