When inviting another UCSB user to collaborate on Box, search using their first and last name.
If they do not show as an option, contact them to ensure they have logged into Box before. Logging in creates your account.
Box identifies UCSB users using UCSBNetID@ucsb.edu, but notification emails will be delivered to the user's primary UCSB account, whether that be a departmental or U-Mail address.
In Box, you can 'share' in two different ways: use shared links and invite collaborators.
For short-term collaboration, you can share the link to a file or folder.
1. Mouse over the desired folder or file and click Share
2. A pop-up will appear with your shared link.
3. Click the gear icon. Here you can set any advanced settings.
4. Click Save. Next, copy the link which is displayed and paste it in an email to the desired recipient.
When creating a shared link, you will see these options:
People with the link: Anyone with the link can access and no Box account is required. For extra security, you can also set a password or expiration for the link, as well as restrict download and/or preview access for link viewers.
People in your company: People with the link AND who are logged into their Connect Box account will be able to access content via the shared link. You can set an expiration date and restrict download and/or preview access for link viewers.
People in this folder: Only users who have been invited to the folder can access the content in the folder. Note: Collaborators already have access to their content, but can easily direct one another to a specific file or folder using the shared link.
Remove: This option removes and deletes the shared link assigned to that file or folder so it can no longer be accessed, even if someone has the old link
- The link options can be set on individual files and/or folders by the owner, across all content a user owns or by the admin for Connect Box. Currently, it is set to default to 'People in your company.'
For longer-term collaboration, you can invite collaborators in a folder.
1. Click on the folder to which you wish to invite them. Click Invite people.
2. Search by first and last name. You must log in to 'create' your account, so if their name does not appear, check with them to ensure that they have logged in to their Box account.
3. Select what type of permission you would like them to have. Click 'Learn More' to see a breakdown of Access Levels.
*You cannot invite collaborators to a singular file, only to folders.
**When naming a folder, remember that it will be shown on your collaborator's Box dashboards as well. Specific names will improve clarity for everyone involved. For example: '2016 Staff Report Drafts' instead of 'Drafts.'