File & Web Tools Guide: Permissions
Permissions allows you to view and change access to File and Web Shares you own.
Permission Levels
There are five levels of permissions that can be assigned to a User:
- Read/Write: User can add, delete, modify, and view documents.
- Read only: User can only view/download files.
- Dropbox: User can upload files, but cannot view files in the share.
- Browse: User can see files and directories but cannot change or view the files.
- None: User has no access to the share.
Check Share Permissions and Ownership Information
- To view your access to Shares:
- Login to LSIT Services.
- Click File & Web Tools. Click Permissions.
- You will see a list of shares you have access to and your permissions for each share.
- To find the owner(s) of a Share:
- Click the Query button in the top toolbar.
- Click the Choose Group menu. Select the appropriate Department/Group.
- Click the Choose button.
- You will see a list of Shares. Descriptions of each Share, and the owner(s) name are listed.
To return to the list of Accessible Shares, Clicking the Access button in the top toolbar.
Change Share Permissions
- Login to LSIT Services.
- Click File & Web Tools. Click Permissions.
- Click a share that you own to change existing permissions or assign new users.
Important Note: Contact the LSIT Helpdesk to add or remove owners of a Share.
- Two lists are shown:
- "Users Allowed To Share:" Users that have access to the share and their permission level.
- "Users Not Allowed To Share:" Shows users in your Department who do not have access to the share.
To assign permissions to a user in another department:
- Click the Change Department menu. Select the appropriate Department from the list.
- Select the appropriate User/permission from the Department's User List.
- Click Save Share.
- Find the User in the Users Allowed To Share list. Select the desired permission level for the User.
Important Note: Users must have an LSIT Account to appear in the list: File Service for access to File Shares, and Web Service for access to Web Shares. Contact the LSIT Helpdesk for assistance.
- When finished, click the Save Share button.
- You will return to the Choose Share screen. A message will confirm that your permissions were saved.
To return to the list of Accessible Shares, click the Access button on the top toolbar.
Important Note: Users whose account is set for deletion, but still have permissions, appear in the Users Allowed To Share: list. You can remove permissions from them in the case that their account is re-enabled in the future. Users whose account is set for deletion, but do not have permissions, do not appear.