Collaborate supports 17 computer lab spaces that are schedulable for instructional use as well as 3 open access GauchoPrint locations. Instructional labs can also be reserved for independent student activities.
Open Access (aka: Print Spot) Labs
(not available for scheduling)
Open Access labs located in Phelps 1521, HSSB 1203, LSCF 1804 and Music 1401 are available for printing and general student use. Student staff are available at all our locations should you need assistance with our labs.
For Open Access lab hours please check the Labs Schedule page at
Instructional Labs
(available for scheduling)
These labs are located across campus in: Phelps Hall, Psychology East, Social Sciences and Media Studies (SSMS), Biological Sciences Instructional Facility (BSIF), and the Music Building. Our instructional labs serve as primary teaching locations configured in both traditional classroom layouts and group-work focused layouts.
The majority of Collaborate labs provide space for 25 students and a single lectern. For smaller classes we have a 10-seat seminar room. For larger sized classes we have two 30-seat labs and two 55-seat labs. If you require more or less than the standard 25 seats, please indicate this on your scheduling request in the 'notes' section.
Collaborate Lab Locations