We generally recommend against using Canvas for high-stakes exams with tight open and close windows as technology issues can be exacerbated when students are put under time crunch to finish their exam. These issues range from internet outages, device battery limitations, browser settings, and Canvas outages. With these considerations in mind we have some recommendations for exams of this type.
- To ensure the best operation and data integrity of the quiz we recommend using New Quizzes: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-create-a-quiz-using-New-Quizzes/ta-p/1173
- We recommend giving as much time as possible between the open and close time of the exam and using a smaller time limit window, this gives students time to plan and situate themselves to be ready to take the exam (establish an internet connection, plug in their device, be in a quiet area). This also meters out access to the exam which results in fewer performance-based issues when administering the exam.
- We recommend staggering the start time of different sections, differentiating the start times of sections by 5 minutes results is less load issues and problematic performance.
- We recommend that you have a communication plan if students encounter issues with the exam so that if necessary overrides can be given. Overrides can be set for students using the steps in the following article: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-moderate-a-student-s-quiz-attempt-in-New-Quizzes/ta-p/655
Some recommendations we would recommend to give to students is to:
- Use Google Chrome when accessing Canvas and taking the exam, and to make sure their browser is up to date: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95414?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop (We recommend that students do not use the Safari browser due to a number of known issues with the browser.)
- Establish and test their internet connection before the exam start time and ensure they have a charged or plugged device.
Our support team can also review your exam prior to the start time to give any recommendations or assess any potential issues with the exam, you can reach out to support at help@collaborate.ucsb.edu.